University of Nebraska, Lincoln Extension

October 31, 2011

Category: Business Resources, Resource Provider

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension is an important resource for all Nebraskans…

The difference between knowledge and “know how”: Extension provides more than just information or knowledge. The goal of extension is to help Nebraskans transform knowledge into “know how” — having confidence, skill and understanding to make better decisions about their businesses, their communities, their families and their personal lives.

Unbiased, research-based information: Extension is not interested in making a sale or promoting a product. Extension’s interest lies in helping Nebraskans gain valuable know-how and make important, fact-based decisions for their businesses, families and communities.

Rapid distribution of new research: This is the “Know Now” part of extension. When new discoveries or new information become available through university research, this information is made available to the network of extension educators and specialists across the state — so they, in turn, can share it with Nebraskans who can use it.

Driven by what Nebraskans need: Extension research and information based in great part on issues, challenges and opportunities indentified by Nebraskans themselves. Many valuable and critical extension programs have been created in response to the grassroots needs communicated by Nebraskans through County Extension Boards and other advisory committees.

Cooperative funding ensures local relevance and impact: Funding for extension is shared by Nebraska counties, state government and federal programs and grants. Extension works closely with County Extension Boards to ensure that local-level needs are being met.

A 15-to-1 return on investment: An independent study found the university’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR), of which extension is an integral part, provides at least a 15-to-1 return on the state tax dollars Nebraska invests in it.

Local Extension Office:
Dodge County
1206 W. 23rd St.
Fremont, NE 68025-2504
(402) 727-2775| Phone | Email